Me-Made-May 2022 Wrapup

Me-Made-May is over for another year and I think this was the best one yet! In part, this was because the challenge had a bit of a makeover and clarification.
This year, for something different and challenging, I pledged to wear zero waste clothes.
Here are the 48 zero waste items I rounded up:

Some are from the Zero Waste Sewing book, a few are “maybe one day” patterns that didn’t make it into the book, most are PDF patterns and some are made from other people’s zw patterns. Some items have worked their way into my wardrobe but others live in the sample box.
The big challenge was that they were never sewn as part of a cohesive wardrobe – they were all sewn as fit or photography samples.
I discovered early on, like Day 1, that there was a deficit of tops to go with bottoms. Those I had weren’t really warm enough for most days. Luckily, I have some me-knitted jumpers (= inherently zero waste) so I wore those.
Some things didn’t get worn at all – either the weather wasn’t right or I just didn’t manage it.
Some of the takeaways

Here’s a gallery of the month.
I think I missed taking a piccy only on two days.

Thank you Zoe Edwards for hosting this fabulous annual challenge!