Me-Made-May 2018
The other trousers
Following on from last week’s post of the Me-Made-May18 trousers, I’ve finished the second pair and finally fulfilled my pledge. These are a different draft to last week’s close fitting trousers (Aldrich’s basic trouser draft, if you follow these things). These are wide legged trousers with a high waistline, patch pockets and a button…
Read MoreFinished my MMM18 trousers
As May slipped into June and now into July, my Me-Made-May 18 trousers pledge remained unforgotten yet unfinished….until now. Yes, I’m pleased to show you my new red trousers. I’m really happy with them, best thing I’ve made in ages. Haven’t worn a waist this high in a decade or two, but they’re very comfortable.…
Read MoreMe-Made-May 18 Wrapup
Me-Made-May is now over! Mid-May musings can be read here and this is the final analysis. I can say I enjoyed it, especially the “Gee, you look smart” comments, to which I replied “Thank you. I’m doing Me-Made-May”. The month of me-mades can be seen on Instagram here. Here are some highlights: …
Read MoreMe-Made-May 18: Mid-May Musings
We are now about halfway through Me-Made-May and I’m feeling more relaxed about it than last year (the first time I did it). I’ve given an airing to some little-worn garments and put together some new outfits. Weather-wise, the season finally broke at the beginning of May, bringing an opportunity to get out the warm…
Read MoreA New Challenge for Me-Made-May
“I, Liz Haywood of and @lizhaywood3754, sign up as a participant in Me-Made-May ’18. I endeavour to wear a me-made top and bottom or dress everyday for the month of May. I will try to wear me-made clothes I don’t wear very often. I will also begin a quest for a great trousers pattern,…
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