Brrrr! A sundress in June

Yep, it’s a bit chilly for sundress wearing here in southern Australia, but I made this dress as a Sew together for Summer Instagram sewing challenge. Obviously the theme works better for the Northern Hemisphere!
The idea is to sew a sundress and post a photo using #sewtogetherforsummer. If you also use #s21entry, you could be a randomly-picked winner of some excellent prizes including a Lizzy Haywood book pack. The full details are here.

There’s an accompanying bundle of discount codes for everyone to use.

You might recognise this (free) pattern as the zero waste ruffle tank. I’ve been wanting to sew it as a dress, so this was a perfect opportunity. I just made the top longer and added a cummerbund belt.

The ruffle tank pattern is fast and simple to sew. I used some quilting cotton from Spotlight – it’s a bit 1930s retro with flower pots and birds on it.

Yes, that’s not me in the sundress photos! I was unwilling to model a strappy dress when it was only 10 degrees, but luckily my daughter is now the same size as me and was happy to do it (she brought along a fur-lined parka).

Oh my goodness Liz! Firstly thank you for sponsoring such a great prize for the challenge and sewing up such a lovely dress … but also major thanks and kudos to your daughter fur braving the chills for the photos!
You’re welcome Sarah, it’s a fun challenge.
So glad you picked sundresses rather than swimsuits!
I love this dress and am anxious to try it! Can you give more information on how you made the belt? Thank you.
Thanks Nancy, I hope it goes well for you.
Confession: the belt is just a strip of fabric pinned around the waist of the model – I didn’t have time to make a proper one. However, I think cummerbund-type belts would look good with this dress.