New Pattern: Doll’s Clothes zero/low waste

Hi All, it’s been a while since I put out a new pattern, but this one has been a return to my sewing roots!
It’s an extension pack for the zero waste cloth doll, and contains 9 outfits all with a storybook costume theme.
The pattern is in my shop now; please enjoy 25% off. As well, the original cloth doll pattern is also 25% off.
The outfits included in this set are:
- Red Riding Hood cape
- Fairytale prince (top with breeches or trousers + coat)
- Fairytale princess (dress + coat)
- Superhero with optional cape
- Mermaid tail
- Olden Days dress and apron
- Olden Days overalls
- Jumpsuit for a racing car driver/aviator/mechanic/entertainer/fashionista
- Ballet clothes (wraparound top, short tutu, romantic tutu, ballet shoes)
- Carry bag

As a lover of dress-ups, it was lots of fun thinking up ideas for this. There was a good deal of looking through books on costumes, historic clothes and fairytales, watching Marvel movies and asking my children for their thoughts. The Disney costume book I borrowed was helpful too.
Here’s a gallery…

The doll’s clothes are all low or zero waste. Note that the actual doll pattern isn’t included – this is merely an extension pack (“an extension pack on steroids” according to Mr H, who has lived with a house awash with doll’s clothes since August).
I’m hoping that this has come at the right time for people making Christmas/end-of-year presents for the little people in their lives. Certainly a fun present to make and receive 🙂
Your photos are fabulous and the doll look so gorgeous in your new range of clothes.
Congratulation on a fantastic effort.
Where did the mermaid fabric come from? It is so perfect for this costume.
Much love Anthea
Many thanks Anthea, and thanks for your help.
The mermaid fabric is perfect, isn’t it? Think it came from Tricia’s Discount Fabrics years ago – E & L chose it for rash tops/bottoms for Vac Swim so they looked like mermaids! There was a bit left over that I saved.
Hello Liz!
What a wonderful wonderful collection! Thank you so much! I habe never sewn doll‘s clothes…but am seriously tempted to start!
Thanks Juliana! They’re way quicker to make than human clothes!
Hello Liz! I have never sewn clothes for dolls, but these are wonderful… I would like to have some of them in a “human size” to wear, they are beautiful!
Thank you Pamela – I wouldn’t mind these either!
What a wonderful collection! Like the others said, tempts me to to make doll clothes for my cousin’s little ones, for the first time ever (and maybe play with them a bit before giving away ). Very cute.
Thanks very much, Linda. Visitors (grown up ones) to our house have enjoyed a little play with them!
Hi Liz, these patterns look great and so many options. I am working with a young girl though a the Fearless Women mentor program.
My mentee would like to sell some things at a local market as she can sew. Would she be allowed to use your patterns to sell dolls?
Not a problem is she can’t .
Thx Carol
Thanks Carol, sounds like a good program you’re doing. Yes, all my patterns can be used to make physical items to sell. It’s not obligatory to credit me but if you tag me on Insta I’ll help promote you. Best wishes to your mentee.
Dear Liz
I love your website and all to do with zero waste, very nice and most inspiring. And thanks for being so generous and sharing some free patterns. All of the best with all you do!
Many thanks for reading, Rachelle 🙂