A Better Hat
Last week’s zero waste hat pattern has had a few tweaks and been re-made in a more…erm…exciting fabric (it’s not hard to beat khaki!).
I had mixed feelings about the khaki hat, but on the same day as making it, we had a family dinner and it was enthusiastically tried on by all and declared a success. So maybe I just needed to see it with fresh eyes.
Nevertheless, I think the new improved version is way better.
The main change is that the peak is now bigger and curved at the corners, and it makes all the difference.
Above is the new cutting plan, with square peaks, and when I got to the sewing part (below) I curved the peak based on a cap we had at home.
The pattern is now minimal waste instead of zero. However, sometimes choices have to be made between appearance and waste, otherwise you’re just creating a different kind of waste with garments that will never be worn.
Still, it’s fairly minimal. I trimmed the corners off since they were too thick to leave in there.
The interior is still nothing special to look at, but maybe unlined with something like flat-felled or bound seams is the answer? I’m sure an elegant solution will present itself. I also think it needs a slightly stiffer interfacing, closer to buckram.
The back view is the same as the original khaki.
My model liked the new hat so much she left it on for the rest of the afternoon (or was it so comfortable she forgot she was wearing it? I’m OK with either explanation).
Verdict: a few points to resolve, but so much better!
What I would really like to make is a zero waste sunhat with a wide round brim. One for the bucket list!
Brilliant, Liz. And great perseverance and problem solving. The hat looks as if it will offer good screening too, from the sides. You are onto something!
Many thanks, Kerrie. Think we’ll “road-test” this sample for a bit and see how it goes 🙂
Soo pretty! Do you have a pattern available?
Thanks Shanna. No pattern yet, and a few issues to resolve, but it lends itself to creating multiple sizes so I will work on it.
It’s not fashionable and here in the u.s. might be considered political but I wonder if a minimal waste kepi can be designed! Next year’s summer project for me maybe. Your hats shape resembles it.
I had to look up what a kepi was! Yes, you could easily design one using the same concept.