Free pattern: 3-gore wrap maxi skirt

Free pattern 3 gore wrap maxi skirt

Welcome! The Craft of Clothes is back from holidays.

While on holidays, a reader named Ella commented on my 6-gore wrap skirt post, asking if it could be made as a 3-gore (the wrap skirt is a free pattern on this website). I hadn’t ever considered making it with three gores, but sure! I suddenly felt an urge to make one too.

Here’s the original draft:

Free wrap skirt pattern summary
Visit the original post for extra drafting and sewing instructions

Here are the changes for the 3-gore version:

Step 1. Make the horizontal dimension (1.5 x your waist) divided by 3 (instead of divided by 6).
Step 2. Add 10″ (25cm) to each side instead of 5″.
Step 3. The top and bottom will need to be curved much more since you’ve only got 3 panels. Curve the top edge up by 3cm and the bottom edge by 8cm.
Step 4. Obviously only cut one of these panels.
Steps 5, 6 and 7 are the same.

Just for something different, I decided to make it a maxi skirt. I’ve never really gone for maxi skirts (too much fabric swishing around my legs) but I like this one. I cut it across the fabric using some 110cm wide chambray (of the shirt variety) using the zero waste layout here. To make this skirt longer by any amount, simply get a ruler and extend the vertical seams.

It was very quick to cut because there’s so few pieces!  There was no fabric left to cut a waistband so I used 25mm bias binding for all the edges and the ties.  I used a dinner plate to round off the lower corners of the maxi skirt to make it easy to bind.

Free pattern 3 gore wrap maxi skirt 1
Free pattern 3 gore wrap maxi skirt 3


I don’t usually write about non-sewing things on this blog, but if you’re in South Australia, you (and your garden) are probably still recovering from last week’s record-breaking heat (46.2C in Adelaide although here we only managed 44.7). We had a visitor who easily jumped the veggie patch fence and sat in the sweetcorn. He’s a big boy. One does not approach these (google: ripped kangaroo). I didn’t realise he was there until I’d changed the sprinkers around, talked to the plants, talked to myself, picked tomatoes etc etc…then almost jumped out of my gumboots when I glanced over and saw him staring at me.

kangaroo under sprinker



  1. Sharon on June 6, 2019 at 2:49 am

    We have black bears here in the US. In the garden it is just bunnies and ground hogs though.

    Thanks for the skirt.


    • lizhaywood on June 7, 2019 at 12:29 pm

      You’re welcome Sharon.
      Give me a kangaroo over a black bear any day!

  2. Darlene on May 5, 2020 at 3:57 am

    I made the three gore skirt for my mother over 25 years ago. She had me add pockets to the front panel. She loved this skirt. Now I’m would like to make the skirt for myself. Thank you for sharing how to measure and draw the pattern. I never knew how she made the pattern. I think I’ll try the 6 panel.

    • lizhaywood on May 5, 2020 at 12:46 pm

      You’re welcome. I hope you enjoy making and wearing it.

  3. Carmo Vilas-Boas on July 10, 2020 at 4:15 am

    Hi! Thank you for this! I Will give it a try as One of my first sewing projects. I have One question: You can easily sit with these skirts without having trouble with revealing too much?!

    Carmo from portugal

    • lizhaywood on July 10, 2020 at 8:25 am

      Hello Carmo, you can sit with peace of mind – the skirt wraps 1 1/2 times around. Best wishes for your sewing. xxoo

  4. Deborah Makarios on September 14, 2023 at 3:24 pm

    Thanks for making this free!
    I made one of these, adding pockets that are accessed from the side-seam but hang from the waistband. Comfy and useful and getting lots of wear! I blogged about it here:
    if you’re interested (includes photos).

    • lizhaywood on September 14, 2023 at 5:15 pm

      Thanks for giving it a whirl and leaving a link. I like your pockets!

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