A good old fashioned Country Show

There are few events, apart from bushfires and clearing sales, that bring country people together so well as a Country Show.
I visited our one-day show, and there was lots to see as there is with any show…shearing competitions (as above), animals, farm machinery, all manner of agricultural produce, cake decorating and the hotly-contested fruit cake competition, and, of course, handicrafts.
The dressmaking section is always interesting to anyone who sews, and especially fun to look at if you’re with sewing friends. I wish I had taken better photos, but I quickly took these just as we were leaving.

In the dressmaking section, two women whose names I didn’t recognise had blitzed the field. In many cases they had won first and second prize between them. One of them made this outstanding smocked girls party dress.
In case you were wondering, I hadn’t entered anything, but I think I might next year. The entry fee is only 50c; the prize money is $2 for first prize and $1 for second. I might be able to make a profit! But, of course, I would do it for the glory and satisfaction, not the money.
And it’s fun to see your stuff on display when you visit the show, and be part of that community.
Haven’t been for a few years but used to love the Clare Show, as did the children. I used to exhibit but not in the sewing or crafts – in the vegetable section. I can recall winning a 1st for a pumpkin and 2nd for Cauliflower. I was very pleased but know I only won because that year was the first in history (perhaps) when they had cancelled the previous week. Lots of exhibitors go from show to show during the season so there were not many exhibits in the vegie lot that year. Perhaps Grant or the girls would like to try one year. Lilian.
Hmmm, I might think about entering veggies next year……..