What Ken needs (apart from a decent haircut)

After sewing two jumpsuits in a row I badly needed a quick “instant gratification” project. What could be more perfect than swimming trunks for Ken!

The poor doll has been swimming in the nuddy while Barbie’s been doing laps in her snazzy bikini. However, my favourite eight year old tells me he’s actually wearing a skin-coloured outfit and that’s why we can’t see it.
I volunteered to whip up some shorts for him.

On a roll, I offered to make a matching top so he’d be sun-smart, but apparently he doesn’t want one.
I clicked on your site bookmark, thinking I was clicking on my Lego news bookmark. For a moment I was very confused about the direction the company was heading!
Haha! Don’t see Lego moving into 11 1/2″ poseable fashions dolls anytime soon.