An Autumn Outfit

Japanese cardigan and featured skirt

As curling columns of smoke and the buzz of chainsaws announce the settling of autumn in our part of the world, I sat outside and sewed a skirt to go with last week’s Japanese cardigan. It’s my own basic A-line skirt I’ve used several times before.  It has a waist facing, centre back invisible zip,…

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The curse of the elastic waist

elastic waisted skirt front waist

Dear Friends, have you ever made something that deep down you knew wasn’t ideal but secretly you hoped would work out?  Like, for example, an elastic waisted skirt? I made myself an elastic waisted skirt to wear last summer; I wore it only once.  It was a foolish notion for someone who doesn’t really have…

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Let’s play Lego!

lego people with tablecloths

For some time now I’ve been meaning to make a Lego play mat.  The ideas is you play with Lego sitting on a circle of fabric, then when it’s time to pack up you push the Lego into the middle and the fabric becomes the holder.  I had sort of imagined loops of fabric around…

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