Vogue 2507, 30 years on

Vogue 2607

Not many people can say they still have something in their wardrobe they sewed 30 years ago and still wear. I realised that I do!

Vogue 2507 modelled front 5
Vogue 2507 modelled back 3

I sewed Vogue 2507 when I was 16 years old in the late 1980’s. It’s designed by Claude Montana, whose runway collections didn’t appeal to me at the time. (I found his fashions a bit…severe? aggressive? Maybe they were just too grown up for me. Here’s a 4-minute documentary on his runway shows. Those shoulder pads!)

Vogue 2507 dress
Vogue 2507 dress sketch

If you remember that era, you’ll recall that chambray was BIG NEWS, and printed chambray even more so. I bought this pretty printed chambray at Bargain Box Fabrics where I had a part-time job (I believe it was $5.99/m, but don’t quote me).

Vogue 2507 fabric

I certainly can’t claim that, at 46, I’m still the same size and shape as Me aged 16. The dress still fits because the back elastic perished some years ago and I replaced it (to fit the older Me). Since the dress is backless, the fit is flexible and it still fits. Does that count or is it cheating?

Vogue 2507 back elastic 2

While I enjoy this dress, the knot at the back keeps me from wearing it too often; it’s really uncomfortable against the back of a chair. For driving, I’ve been known to undo the knot. It also looks a bit strange worn under a cardigan or jumper – the knot makes the back stick out.

The dress is an interesting cut. It has rectangular princess lines at the front which were always too high (I didn’t know much about fitting then) but seem to have gotten higher as the years went by….

Vogue 2507 bust darts

It has a side zip which was sewn quite well for my age. I would do an invisible zip these days, but invisible zips weren’t as common then.

Vogue 2507 side zip

The centre front features a deep pleat with a central seam hidden underneath. This appealed to me, and later I used the idea on flared skirts.

Vogue 2507 front pleat

Have you sewn a Claude Montana? Been a wearer of chambray? Have fond memories of something you sewed as a teen?



  1. Mary Miller on April 8, 2019 at 10:40 pm

    I often sewed chambray. Usually in shades of blue & I mainly work with cotton. I also sewed when I was 16 years old, and still sew now 40+ years later. Nice work & I love the dress!

    • lizhaywood on April 8, 2019 at 11:40 pm

      Thanks Mary!

  2. Michelle Shaffer on April 9, 2019 at 6:10 am

    Amazing that you still fit in something you wore at age 16! I think I might be able to slip my arm into a pant leg I wore at age 16, haha! I love the lines of the sundress, especially the rectangular princess seams. I remember a prairie style sundress I wore a lot at age 16. Never wore much printed chambray, but I wore a lot of chambray men’s shirts as work shirts in the garden. I have been playing around with wrap dresses and using button closures instead of ties. I wonder if that would work on your dress tie/knot?

    • lizhaywood on April 9, 2019 at 8:57 am

      Cheers, Michelle. Hmm, button closures instead of ties….thanks for the thought.

  3. Julie on April 9, 2019 at 1:34 pm

    Still a nice little number Liz and wonderfully made – clearly setting the stage for things to come. You asked about fond teen memories. I fell in love with a pair of shoes that were distinctly 1940s… high heeled black brogue lace ups (I’d still wear them now if I possessed them) and of course fashioned the dress to suit – cummerbund with black lace insert, gathered bodice, black lace collar…. and to top it off, the short black lace gloves. Whoa what a number… oddly enough I don’t recall where I wore it, but it was the mid 70s! Regardless I loved it and I think I loved making it even more.

    • lizhaywood on April 9, 2019 at 9:31 pm

      That all sounds a bit gorgeous Julie. The shoes sound wonderful.

  4. Lyndall Cave on April 16, 2019 at 8:04 am

    So cool!
    I’m 26, so I don’t have anything I’ve sewn that’s over thirty years old. . . Haha! But I do have a pink satin princess seam dress that I sewed as a 12 year old, which I wore last year. It was a bit too big for me when I made it, so I had to take up the shoulders. Thankfully I left the big seam allowance, which I was able to take out, and the armholes are now the perfect size. The bust is a bit tight, (because, well, there wasn’t much there at 12). For this reason, it’s relegated to the costume closet. Yet I’m impressed that I can still wear it fourteen years later.

    • lizhaywood on April 18, 2019 at 1:03 pm

      Wow! I don’t know which is more impressive: that you sewed a wearable dress at aged 12, you still have it and that you can still wear it. I think I was still somewhere between sewing for barbie and sewing for me at 12.

  5. estelle on August 15, 2019 at 12:18 am

    Hi I have that exact pattern, I think it looks beautiful on you although I see what you mean about not being practical to wear with a cardigan! Stil… I was looking at one of Marcy Tiltons latest vogue patterns last night and it was great a gorgeous dress with a sort of shrug cardi which curves up at the back and has long sleeves something like that might work? ANyway its adorable and stll looks great on you. I might have to make up that pattern myself one day after seeing it on you.

    • lizhaywood on August 15, 2019 at 9:34 am

      Thanks Estelle. If I made it again I would take Michelle Shaffer’s suggestion and use buttons at the back instead of ties.

      • Denise Chevalier on January 2, 2021 at 2:43 pm

        It’s interesting thinking about the fabrics that were available 30 years ago, such as wool crepe, which I haven’t seen for a long time. A bit more than 30 years ago I made a black coat dress in wool crepe with big shoulders, a nipped in waist and a big skirt. I loved that dress, but dont know what happened to it. I remember as a teen making jump suits out of paisley stretch towelling. This was around 1970. They were very fashionable with a zip up the front and a big collar – wouldn’t be seen dead in such a thing today.

      • lizhaywood on January 2, 2021 at 6:30 pm

        Hmmm, yes, haven’t seen wool crepe for ages. 30 years ago there was lots of it, in black and jewel colours. It’s such a great fabric.
        Thanks for the pleasant reminiscences 🙂

  6. Audrey on April 29, 2021 at 2:15 am

    So excited to find a post about this pattern, which is laying on the table beside me while I decide whether to use it to make a sundress for a Instagram sundress challenge. Your dress still looks great! I also have some printed chambray, circa 1990, in my stash, However it is not in colors that look good on me now. I recently made a blouse in a pink chambray. Love that fabric.

    • lizhaywood on April 29, 2021 at 10:05 am

      Hi Audrey, I think any cotton fabric would be good for this dress. I love your pink ruffly chambray blouse and spent a very pleasant time reading the rest of your blog 🙂

  7. Maureen NEUMANN on June 30, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    Just dug this pattern out from my stash. I made the dress in dark purple cotton ages ago and I felt it was the most beautiful dress I ever owned and am planning to give it a go again after all these years in a shell pink linen. Will just add a little to the side seams.

    • lizhaywood on June 30, 2021 at 6:25 pm

      Sounds excellent! It’s a great summer dress.

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