Making Zen Online Retreat

Coming up later this month, I’m presenting a session at the Making Zen Online Retreat.
This is a FREE online event that goes for 5 days, from Monday 15th – Friday 19th of May.
It’s a 5 day happening where stitchers and crafters can learn new processes, improve their techniques and get inspired. If you’re doing homeschooling, this is a great way to explore some new crafts together.
Please click here to register and see more.
On each day, there are 4 pre-recorded presentations that are about 30mins each. Mine is on Wednesday 17th and I demonstrate how to make buttons & toggles out of things you have at home or that are compostable.

The presentations are available to view for free for 24 hours. If you would like lifetime access and a bundle of additional resources, there’s an option to buy an All Access Pass for US$57. (Note that the registration link above is an affiliate link for this, which will support what I do.)
I’ve contributed a newly-made zero waste pattern to the All Access resource bundle. It’s a waist bag that you thread onto your belt to wear.

The idea for this started as I wondered if it was possible to make a bum bag with no zips. I already have a zero waste bum bag pattern, so I used that as a starting point. The bag became narrower and deeper, and it fastens with a large button.

The whole exercise has me thinking more about designing zero waste patterns with alternative closures, and maybe making the fastenings more integral with the garment.
Anyway, I highly commend the Making Zen online retreat to you. There are some really talented, interesting people generously sharing great stuff, and it’s an excellent way to discover new people or new crafts.
I hope you can join me there. Cheers!
Hi Liz! I just watched your Making Zen presentation. Thanks for the instruction. It’s very informative and timely. I’ve just finished a jacket that needs some buttons. I think I’ll try some wooden ones.
Thanks so much for watching!
Amazing presentation! I love your take on making buttons from various materials 🙂
Thanks Shu. Since making the presentation I’m suddenly alert to all sorts of things I can make buttons from 🙂