3 Ways to Wear a Beach Towel Kaftan

The Beach Towel Kaftan is a new pattern, made in collaboration with Nicole Akong. Read the story of this pattern HERE.
Nicole and I each made this kaftan, and my version is sewn from fluffy white bath towels, making it a great backdrop for all sorts of colourful accessories.
Here are three ways to wear it.
Swimsuit, sunglasses and low waste sunhat.
Sun, pool, repeat.

Après Swim
Swimsuit, dark glasses and turban made from sarong.
Movie star glamour, with dark glasses and one’s wet hair encased in a turban.

Early Bird Swimmer
Spotty swim cap and bathers, goggles, towel, Birkenstocks, Fitbit watch and swimpass.
In my fantasy parallel life, I live just up the road from the local pool or by the ocean. Early each morning I do a 5km swim, walking around to the pool with my kaftan over my swimsuit. Then I walk home, cook bacon and eggs, and shower and change for work.

It looks so fluffy & inviting
In mine, I’m fit & I walk everywhere
Cheers Laurinda, thanks for giving it a whirl 🙂