Finished! The Shirt from Couture Zéro Chute

Continued from last week… The shirt I’ve been sewing, from the French book Couture Zéro Chute (translated: Sewing Zero Waste), is now finished. It turned out great and I’m very happy with it. After last week’s start, there was “only” the collar, hem and buttons to sew. The collar is interesting; it’s a conventional shape…

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Six, Wait! NINE Ways to Style Linen Trousers

The linen elastic waist trousers made for last week’s book review of Couture Zéro Chute came out so well they deserved another post. The trousers are now the property of my younger teen, who happens to be the same height and size as me (for now…I’m sure a growth spurt is on the horizon and…

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Book Review: Couture Zéro Chute

It’s my pleasure to review Couture Zéro Chute by Charline Durpoix and Mylène L’Orguilloux, which was published last month. The title translates as Sewing Zero Waste, and the book is a collection of six base patterns which can be combined or modified to produce many more styles. Charline Durpoix is a sewing influencer, known in…

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Revisiting the Boho Dress

The boho dress is a pattern in the Zero Waste Sewing book. I made this pattern in 2018, only a couple of years into my zero waste adventures. The dress is a good example of using tessellations for zero waste, as the single pattern piece is top-and-tailed to nest perfectly together with itself. It has…

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